By: Sharon Aron Baron
A high school senior wanted to make a statement in his yearbook, but unless you were a chemistry major, you’d have a tough time figuring out what he was trying to say.
Coral Springs High School student Salvatore Ferrara wrote a series of chemical elements from the periodic table which could possibly offer a glimpse into what he’d like to do in his future. At first, when looking at it, it looks like he wants to go on to become a chemistry major in college.
But that’s not what a reader said who sent us the photo.
Originating from the Biggie Smalls song whose lyrics are too risqué to post here, you can figure out his message yourself by using the first letter from each element. (F) flourine (U) uranium (C) carbon (K) potassium (Bi) bismuth (Tc) technetium (He) helium (S) sulfur (Ge) germanium (Tm) thulium (O) oxygen (Ne) neon (Y) yttrium. This is why it passed the typical rigorous oversight before publication.
This isn’t the first time a student has pulled this off. In 2013, high school student Jessica Lee did the same thing where it was written about in Jezebel.
We posted his photo on our Facebook page thinking it was pretty clever, and his mother Donna, who happened to see her son’s photo, was pleased that we featured him, not really understanding what he wrote. The hilarious conversation is here:
Donna said later, “I’m such a proud mom!!! Even after I was told what it meant!!”
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