By: Chris Brunner
As Thanksgiving approaches, the City of Coral Springs is asking the community to help donate items for their 27th Annual THANKSforGIVING event given to families in need.
Since 1988, volunteers have made 5,063 baskets for local families and collected over $110,853. Residents and business owners are asked to give to this worthy cause as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches.
Non-perishable items needed include: canned yams, mashed or flaked potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, canned corn and green beans, canned fruit, and cookies. People may also give monetary contributions to the cause.
Donations can be dropped off at: City Hall, 9551 W. Sample Road; City Hall in the Mall, 9239 W. Atlantic Blvd.; Coral Springs Gymnasium, 2501 Coral Springs Drive.
All donations must be made by Friday, November 6.
All donated items are placed in baskets, along with a gift certificate for a turkey, ham or main dish, and distributed through local religious institutions to pre-selected families. For more information, call 954-346-1304 or 954-346-1355.
Author Profile

- Chris has been a contributing writer at Tamarac Talk and Coral Springs Talk since high school. He is a resident of Coral Springs and is currently attending college.
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