By: Sharon Aron Baron
Our family prides itself our on our original holiday cards, however every year it’s getting tougher to think of something more creative. Now I’m feeling totally overwhelmed after watching the Holderness family video called “Christmas Jammies,” So much so, that I don’t even want to get our lousy cards printed up anymore.
The Holderness family not only look great dressed up in their jammies (must be from running triathlons) but they even set it to rap music. and have funny stories to tell about each member of the family.
What also makes this card, or video so fun is that not only is dad’s vasectomy revealed, but he’s also leaving his job as a news anchor and will soon be working along with his wife at a company called the Green Room. As if dancing around in funny looking tight jammies wasn’t enough, leaving a cushy job to strike out on your own takes a lot of Chutzpah, and I give the Holdernesses a lot of credit and wish them luck.
According to the Green Room website, “Two days after releasing #XMASJammies on You Tube, we’ve got 40,000 views and counting. So exciting to see what going viral is like. Good Morning America featured it today, more national exposure is on the way.”
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