Can you guess the Broward notables? I bet you can’t!
Gentle Ben has no business being in the mean world of politics. He’s just too much of a softie. His conservative party may want him to be a bit tougher, but that’s just not in his nature. Ben just wants to help everyone around him and he doesn’t care to really concentrate on his own campaign (which is a major one) and needs an incredible amount of funding. No, gentle Ben wants to help the puppies and everyone else around him because he has such a kind heart. Ben needs to find another seat in his community to run for so he can help those right in his community.
Billy Bucks hosts a struggling radio show where he talks about, you guessed it….money. Problem is, Billy Bucks may be the money advice man, but does a two year degree at a for-profit university and cyber squatting on thousands of famous domain names qualify Billy to give financial advice to the few listeners that call in?
Sources tell me that school board candidate Fran Zapan who recently stepped out of the race is telling people she stepped down because she’s supported another candidate when the truth is, she didn’t have enough signed petitions…… or the $1,800 to qualify.
Speaking of school board candidates. There seems to be a school board candidate that is making friends on Facebook using the alias, “Parkland Super Voter.” Who could this be and how could a person call themselves this when they’ve never voted before?
Obama recently made some sweeping changes in his support of same-sex marriage. You really have to hand it to him to stand up for what is right. Unfortunately this big broward conservative is going stay in the “he-man woman hater’s club” until he’s good and ready to come out. Sources in the know tell me that this person needs to come “clean” with who he is.
You didn’t even notice but lovely Liz dropped one of her names she was carrying around. She’s going by just her first and last, which is all she really needs because the man who has been by her side through thick and thin is the only name she needs now.
Fred Stevens used to be friends with Brenda Brass when he was just working the beat for the Daily Paper. Their kids were friends at the same school too. At one time Fred even asked Brenda if his son could work for her! He never had an unkind thing to say about her until lately. Now Fred is blatantly blogging blistering things about his former friend whom he once admired. Is Fred bitter because Brenda won’t give him anymore scoops?
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