Even the most experienced drivers can benefit from brushing up on their driving skills. Seniors can now sign up for an AARP Driver Safety Class set for Saturday, May 18 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
This driver safety course reviews the current rules of the road, defensive driving techniques, and how to operate a vehicle more safely. Participants will learn how to manage and accommodate common age-related changes in vision, hearing and reaction time.
In addition, participants will learn:
- How to minimize the effects of dangerous blind spots
- How to maintain the proper following distance behind another car
- The safest ways to change lanes and make turns at busy intersections
- Proper use of safety belts, air bags, anti-lock brakes, and new technologies used in cars
- Ways to monitor your own and others’ driving skills and capabilities
- The effects of medications on driving
- The importance of eliminating distractions, such as eating, smoking, and cell-phone use
Participants must be seniors over the age of 55. Course costs $12 for AARP members or $14 for non-members. Participants who successfully complete the course will be provided with a certificate for their auto insurance agency. Most agencies will allow for a discount on auto insurance premiums for up to three years.
Participants must register in advance. Please note that lunch will not be provided. The class will be held at the Coral Springs Public Safety Building, 2801 Coral Springs Drive.
For more information, call 954-344-1833.
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