Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine.
By: County Commissioner Michael Udine
The enduring strength of our community has been demonstrated through an unimaginable disruption; the COVID-19 pandemic.
Drive-by birthday parades, setting up distance play dates for the kids, or Facetiming and Zooming to keep in touch has become the norm. We continue to learn how to “socially” reinvent ourselves and the way we traditionally interact. So just like Nike says, “Just do it,” pick up the phone, jump on zoom, or drive by and wave—you just might make someone’s day.
Getting people back to work in a safe manner is a top priority. As Broward County is in the process of reopening businesses, parks, and other segments of our economy, we will continue to work with health experts to determine the best protocols to promote safety.
Although we will be looking at new business models, let’s utilize our entrepreneurial spirit to help get our business community gets back on its feet. Broward County OESBD will be available to partner with local businesses to determine the best way forward for all in the community. Please follow me on social media or check www.broward.org/econdev for more information on how we can work together.
June 1 is the start of Hurricane Season, and we need to think about that too. Now is the time to get out your family’s hurricane plans and update them. Check your hurricane supplies. Make sure you have food and essential medical supplies for at least seven days. Broward County is in the process of preparing shelters and other emergency operations for the possibility of a storm during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In South Florida, we always need to be prepared, and this year those plans may look a little different than normal. If you need additional information on hurricane preparations, please visit Broward.org/hurricane for more details, or visit your city’s website.
Congratulations to the Class of 2020 on their graduation from high school and college. As the proud parent of a member of the Class of 2020, I know this has not been the celebration envisioned of this exciting time in your life. Know that your community applauds you and is so proud of all that you have accomplished in your academic careers. Here’s to a bright future for our 2020 grads!
As the Udine family celebrates Father’s Day, I want to say a big thank you to my own Dad, who has been a great role model in my life.
As I celebrate with my family, I want to wish all the Dads out there a Happy Father’s Day. Enjoy the day, and relax. You deserve it!
Staying connected with the residents of District 3 is a top priority for me. I can be reached at:
- Via Email: mudine@broward.org
- Via Phone: (954)357-7003
- On Facebook: @CommissionerMichaelUdine
- On Twitter and Instagram: @MichaelUdine
Michael Udine
Broward County Commissioner Michael Udine represents Seat Three which covers Coral Springs, Parkland, Tamarac and North Lauderdale.