Eileen Bild Interviews Dr. Nancy Wiley.
By Kevin Deutsch
Dr. Nancy Wiley, a respected orthodontist whose longtime Coral Springs practice catered to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students, has written a nonfiction spiritual book aimed at helping survivors of the mass shooting at MSD.
Wiley, a former resident of both Parkland and Coral Springs, authored Divine Trust: A Practical Guide to End Suffering and Find Your Way Home as a way to help heal survivors of the attack that killed 17 people.
The book will be available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle formats starting March 30.
“The book is actually inspired by the events [at the school on February 14, 2018] and the aftermath,” Wiley said. “That day, I lost a patient, and one of my staff lost a sister. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is where I got most of my patients. Afterward…everyone was suffering, and I wanted to help.”
“Those kids are still deeply affected, and no one’s helping to address the root cause,” said Wiley. “That’s what this book is going address: the root cause. [The book] will allow them to take the events that happened and use them as a platform to transform themselves and the world.”
Her book, she said, offers a step-by-step guide to eliminating worry and stress through techniques she developed following decades of studies with various spiritual teachers.
In its pages, she describes her journey from faith to doubt, followed by a period of spiritual seeking and her current state of well-being.
“I feel like I have a level of enlightenment now,” said Wiley.
After the mass shooting, which happened shortly after her own mother’s death, Wiley said she “had to go deep inside” and utilize her relationship with what she calls “source energy.”
“I asked, ‘why did this happen?’ and boy did I get answers,” Wiley said.
Today, said Wiley, “I no longer suffer, no matter what happens in my life, because of the connection I have [to source energy].”
Wiley, who holds six advanced degrees, said she is “also interested in what we can’t see, the quantum realm, the spiritual realm.”
A Reiki Master, the doctor said she has been meditating for over 40 years, leading her to “develop my own knowingness.”
Now, “I want to help as many people possible,” including those directly impacted by the shootings at MSD, Wiley said.
To that end, she plans to conduct classes and coaching at the Parkland Recreation and Enrichment Center for kids struggling in the aftermath of the shooting.
Details of the classes are still being worked out.
Of her book, Wiley said: “It comes from another place. It’s so beautiful and will help so many. By divine grace, I was put in the right place when they needed it the most and can make the most impact.”
“It’s for every human being in the world no matter who you are,” she said of her book.
Wiley, who sold her practice earlier this year and now devotes her time sharing her spiritual techniques, lives in Lake Worth with her husband and daughter.
Her book features a forward by Marci Shimoff, author of the New York Times bestseller Happy for No Reason.
More details about Wiley’s life, book, and related services she offers will be available on her soon-to-be-launched website, trustthedivine.com.
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