By Jill Fox
A “Freshmen Invasion” is coming to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School for all incoming ninth graders to begin the process of picking up their schedules, textbooks, and IDs.
Beginning at 8:00 a.m., on Friday, August 9, students and parents will meet in the gym to hear from the new principal, Michelle Kefford and head coaches, along with watching performances by the MSD cheerleaders and band.
Assistant Principal Daniel Most said it is an excellent opportunity for students to walk around campus, see where their classes are and begin to feel comfortable with the start of their high school careers.
“It’s like a big pep rally, we want to get everyone pumped up and excited to start at MSD,” said Most, who just completed his first year at the school.
Students will then take a tour of the campus led by student government leaders, and visit the “club fair” where different organizations will have tables set up for students to learn more.
Parents can head to the auditorium for a separate presentation, which will include information about graduation requirements, athletics, and activities. Most said it’s basically a broad overview of what they should know about their children starting high school.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to meet new ninth-grade assistant principal, Tariq Qaiyim, who came to MSD from Lauderhill 6 – 12 STEM-MED, where he was assistant principal for six years. Most said in the past, the school had five assistant principals, but this year, they will have six.
“Given all of the change since the tragedy, we are bringing in extra support to make sure that we can do everything we need to help students be successful.”
Freshmen Invasion will take place on August 9 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and all incoming freshman from Coral Springs and Parkland are welcome. Registration is not necessary.
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