The city commission gave awards to the 12 winners of the city’s 2nd annual recycled art contest at their Wednesday meeting.
Bryan Boggiano
Bryan Boggiano
Bryan has a degree in journalism from the University of Florida and earned his masters in geosciences from Florida International University, where he focused in atmospheric sciences. His interests include weather, entertainment, and municipal government.
The city commission proclaimed May 15 through May 21 as National Police Week in Coral Springs to honor current and former law …
Eagle Ridge Elementary School’s Seema Naik has been announced as one of five finalists for Florida’s 2023 Teacher of the Year. The …
New Candidate Enters Commission Seat 2 Election; Brook, Simmons Still Running Unopposed
Election season is in full swing in Coral Springs. On April 15, Joseph Manuel Alvelo filed papers…
The Coral Springs city commission proclaimed May as Mental Health Awareness Month at their May 4 meeting…
Vice Mayor Joshua Simmons and Nancy Metayer condemned the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion of Roe v. Wade…
The city commission awarded six companies with the Business Excellence Awards at their Wednesday meeting.
Nine athletes from Coral Springs will participate in the Senior Games in Fort Lauderdale starting May 10.
On July 6, 1924, Herman Haller was born in Berlin, Germany, to middle-class Polish-Jewish parents who owned a furniture shop.
The city commission honored the six Lynne Johnson Award for Outstanding Volunteerism recipients at their…
The city commission approved terminating a contract with Florida Engineering…
Vice Mayor Simmons decried the state’s current political priorities, DeSantis’s influence over the legislature, and divisiveness in politics.
The city commission will honor the six Lynne Johnson Award for Outstanding Volunteerism recipients at their Wed,., April 20, meeting at City …
The city commission discussed changes to the current ordinance that regulates accessory structures like basketball hoops…..
Campaign finance reports show that Vice Mayor Simmons has raised over $27,031.43, significantly more than Mayor Brook or Commissioner Cerra.
To keep neighborhoods safe, the city commission voted Wednesday evening on an ordinance that would more strictly regulate vacation rental properties.
State House Reps Daley and Hunschofsky Discuss New Redistricting Maps Ahead of 2022 Midterms
Reps. Dan Daley and Christine Hunschofsky discuss redistricting and their new district boundaries ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.
School of Rock instructor and music director Cassie Ortiz earned the golden ticket at her American Idol Nashville Audition, advancing to Hollywood.
Through a new rideshare pilot program, Coral Springs might give downtown a “Lyft.”
More Apartments, Hotel Rooms, and Less Office Space: Cornerstone Developer Updates Commission
The Cornerstone development on Sample Road and University Drive continues to climb to the sky, and developers are updating the city on …
Registration for the Masters Basketball Association’s National Masters Championship is open through April 2. The tournament begins May 2.
The city commissioners approved proposed changes to the current vacation rental ordinance on March 16, making further regulations closer to becoming law.
The city commission will discuss vacation rental ordinance regulations, which the Planning and Zoning Board positively recommended to them.
City commissioners will vote on rewarding a $828,812.92 to General Asphalt to handle roadway resurfacing in the Maplewood Subdivision.
The Coral Springs Festival of the Arts will return for its 16th year on March 19 and March 20.
Jared Moskowitz’s congressional campaign revealed four Coral Springs….
The city commission discussed Women’s History Month by recognizing the accomplishments and strength of women throughout history, in the city, and in …
The Planning and Zoning Board meets to discuss tightening current vacation rental regulations.
The city commission honored the Eagle Regiment Marching Band for placing first place at the Class 4A State Championship in November.
The Coral Springs Festival of the Arts will return for its 16th year on March 19 and March 20.