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By: Sharon Aron Baron
The newly created Coffee with a Cop program in Coral Springs wants to build relationships one cup at a time.
Coffee with a Cop brings police officers and the community members they serve together over coffee to discuss issues and learn more about each other. On January, 8 they held their second event at Chick-fil-A which coincided with a teacher planning day for Broward County Schools, so not only did they get to mingle with adults, children were on hand too.
“Part of our role in the community involvement unit is to continuously benchmark best practices in effective outreach and crime prevention nationwide,” said Coral Springs Police Community Involvement Officer Glenn Roberts. “In our research during 2015, we came across a great program initially created by the Hawthorne Police Department in Southern California called ‘Coffee with a Cop.’ We believed their program would benefit the diverse population of the City of Coral Springs.”
According to their website, in less than three years, Coffee with a Cop events have been hosted in more than 2,000 communities, in 49 states and is one of the most successful community-oriented policing programs across the country. The program has also expanded to outside the United States to Canada, Europe, Australia, and Africa.
The key to Coffee with a Cop’s growing success is that it opens the door for interactions outside of the crisis situations that typically bring law enforcement officers and community members together.
Coral Springs Police hasn’t announced the date of their next Coffee with a Cop, so stay posted here or on our Facebook page.
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