By: Sharon Aron Baron
To comply with the Department of Environmental Protection requirements, Coral Springs will begin water main flushing, where they will temporarily discontinue the use of ammonia in the disinfection process.
Beginning on Friday, July 15, and running through Friday, July 29, the City of Coral Springs Utilities & Engineering Division, Royal Waterworks, Coral Springs Improvement District, and the North Springs Improvement District will temporarily change their method of chlorinating water.
Water main flushing will also occur during this period between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. As a result of fire hydrant flushing, temporary discoloration of the water and a reduction in pressure may occur.
According to the city, these temporary conditions should not be harmful to your health. However, customers are cautioned to determine if the water is clear before washing clothes.
Customers are also advised to set aside water for drinking and cooking and check water clarity before use. If water is discolored, run the cold water in all faucets for approximately 5-10 minutes.
If conditions persist, contact your water provider at the number listed below. Additionally, those on kidney dialysis are asked to consult their physician for any special instructions concerning this matter. Contact a pet store if they own tropical fish or aquatic animals. Customers with inline filters may want to contact their equipment manufacturer for guidance on use during chlorination.
For those especially sensitive to the taste and odor of chlorine, keep an open container of tap water in your refrigerator. This will enable the chlorine to dissipate, reducing its taste. Remember, drinking water from the tap does have a shelf life, always change out the container weekly.
Find your water service provider here.