By Bryan Boggiano
You talked about Coral Springs Talk, and we listened.
Readers completed an online poll outlining what they liked about our local coverage what they thought needed improvement, and here are the results.
Voicing their opinions, a common theme among readers was the importance of local journalism.
Readers also said they loved to be kept in the loop about what is going on in their own neighborhoods and Coral Springs Talk was the first place they looked.
“Coral Springs Talk and other media (Tamarac Talk and Parkland Talk) do a very good job at keeping the community well informed about current events, neighborhood crime, etc.,” said Gavin P.
Others love having that information available to them at their fingertips.
“I absolutely love being able to open Facebook and read about what’s going on in my city,” said Jana B. “Local news stations tend to focus on Miami.”
Similarly, Sara F. said, “Some of [the stories]I only hear/read about on your site.”
Joe S. provided similar testimony, saying, “You don’t have to go through a lot of stories and articles just to hit one or two things related to Coral Springs. It makes me feel proud when I read about someone from Coral Springs achieving an accomplishment.”
New residents said that the site makes Coral Springs feel like home quicker for them.
“I recently moved to Coral Springs and was happy to find this news site specifically for the area,” said Karla N. “Whenever I’ve needed or wanted to look up news for Coral Springs, I come to this site.”
For residents who have been here a little longer they feel that the outlets bring the community closer together.
“It’s so nice to be able to get reliable information on our city, and you guys make our community feel more connected,” said Richard B.
Makenna K. is another resident who believes city coverage made her feel more connected, saying she has done more in the city.
While readers gave their praises, we noted some areas for improvement.
Reader suggestions included writing more food reviews, publishing features on families and first responders, showcasing more family-oriented businesses, writing follow-ups sooner, posting event-based stories sooner, providing more details on events, and including positive stories.
Geniza M. is one reader who gave this suggestion, saying, “We could all use some positivity in this crazy world!”
Daviea W. echoed this, saying, “With so much negativity going on nowadays, I think it will help seeing something nice on our timeline.”
Other readers recommended improving our breaking news coverage by providing timely information as it unfolds.
Some readers also noticed that sports stories get a disproportionately large amount of coverage compared to other fields. They recommended that we focus more on community events, feature stories, and new local businesses such as restaurants.
The only stories they wanted to see less of were politics.
In terms of layout, respondents wanted to see more proofreading and fewer ads.
On social media, respondents mentioned that Coral Springs Talk needs to interact more with users.
Despite the areas for improvement, readers still believe that Coral Springs Talk is doing an excellent job at informing the community.
“There’s always room for improvement but I truly just say keep up…helping us stay aware,” said Maria D.
There are always readers who take the time to thank us for our service.
One reader, John M., personally thanked me, the author of this article, complimenting the story on the vacation rentals controversy. calling it “a refreshing piece of old-fashioned journalism.”
“It is very rare that an article on an event I attend matches what actually transpired, but Bryan pulled that off and even added some context to aspects I didn’t follow.”
Michael B. praised the mastermind behind Talk Media, Sharon Aron Baron, for being honest and abrasive.
“I love…how you fight for your rights. Don’t change anything.,” he said.
But readers also praised all writers and staff. One reader, Rashonda H., described our reporting as “good journalism discovering stories and the truth.”
But the gratitude for local journalists behind Talk Media did not stop there.
“You guys have a great publishing team who is always keeping the city of Coral Springs aware,” said Maria D. “When I see cops, or a road closure, or even hear sirens I know my first stop is going to be the Coral Springs Talk Page. Thank you for always being on top of your game!”
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