By: Chris Brunner
Royal Palm Boulevard is getting an updated look when its new entryway sign is unveiled.
In February 2012, the City of Coral Springs paid a Nashville company $70,000 to “brand” the City as a great place to live and have a business. The slogan that commissioners agreed to was “Coral Springs…everything under the sun.”
The new entryway sign project, including the new slogan, will be unveiled on June 11 and will consist of a new wall sign with decorative columns, a 6-foot meandering sidewalk to Riverside Drive, enhanced and matured landscaping, pedestrian lighting, new curbs, and gutters, along with resurfacing the roadway and pavers.
The entryway at Royal Palm Boulevard is the first of several that the City has identified for improvement. The next project will be the entryway at Atlantic Boulevard.
“Royal Palm Blvd. is a city-owned street, and we’re delighted to have added this beautiful new entryway that provides such a positive and immediate impact as you enter Coral Springs,” Development Services Director Susan Hess Krisman said.
The sign is located east of Riverside Drive on Royal Palm Blvd. The unveiling will be on Wednesday, June 11, at 10 a.m.
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