Dematteis lives in the Glen Walk development with his wife Kathleen and has been harassing his neighbors by parking his car in front of their home.  Not in his own driveway, or in front of his own home, but in front of Andrea and Matthew’s home.
The Coral Springs Police can’t do anything, nor can the Mayor. Â They say it’s a HOA issue.
According to friends of the couple, Andrea and Matthew asked Dematteis to move his car off their grass and he told them, ” Go inside and enjoy your fucking baby.”
Dematteis is still parking in front of their home and has threatened to sue WSVN for airing the “Help me Howard” segment, which they have since pulled from their website. Dematteis is allegedly bragging to friends that he won the ordeal and continues to park his car in front of their home.
I tried to contact Andrea and Matthew, but they cannot comment because of current litigation.
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