By: Bryan Boggiano
Commissioner Joy Carter was appointed to the 2021-2022 Florida League of Cities Land Use and Economic legislative policy committee.
Lakeland city commissioner and incoming league president, Phillip Walker, made the appointment, along with other committee chairs, vice-chairs, and members.
As part of the legislative policy committee, Carter will help develop the FLC Legislative Action Agenda to pinpoint issues that affect local governments and municipal decision-making, according to a press release.
She will also help FLC staff understand the effects of legislation and advocate for legislative items. In the press release, Carter said she looks forward to the assignment, calling it an honor.
“Having a voice to guide policy direction for the Florida League of Cities legislative efforts is a benefit to our city because I plan to advocate for issues that directly affect our community,” she said in the press release. “In this new role, I plan to work towards solutions for the betterment of the business community and the state.”
Carter was previously appointed to the Land Use and Economic legislative policy committee for 2020-2021.
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