By: Chris Brunner
The Coral Springs Police Department will be taking a firm stance on illegal fireworks over the fourth of July weekend and adding additional officers to address them.
The personal use of illegal fireworks in our neighborhoods has prompted the Coral Springs Police Department to take action. In addition to road patrol officers, officers from specialized units will be patrolling the neighborhoods on July 4th confiscating illegal fireworks.
According to WPLG, in 2011 a Coral Springs man was badly injured after a mortar tube exploded after he went to investigate it thinking it was a dud. “It blew up in his face,” said Coral Springs Fire Captain Mike Moser.
If you are using legal fireworks, please follow these safety tips:
- Never light fireworks indoors or near dry grass
- Always have a bucket of water or fire extinguisher nearby
- Do not wear loose clothing while using fireworks
- If fireworks do not go off, do not stand over them
- Supervise children around fireworks at all times
Illegal fireworks are any fireworks that explode or fly in the air. Anyone caught possessing illegal fireworks will have them confiscated on the first offense and cited for a first-degree misdemeanor on the second offense.
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