Dyneara Lizzette Cata
By Isaac Ray
A Coral Springs woman was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, criminal mischief, and false imprisonment after threatening a man with multiple knives and stabbing his vehicle because he broke a bottle of oil.
On January 10, Coral Springs Police responded to a weapons complaint call located at the 2700 block of Coral Springs Drive. Officers met with a victim who claimed Dyneara Cata, 26, had threatened him with a knife and damaged his vehicle.
According to the report, the victim told officers he had picked Cata up from a house party and then to her residence. While at her home, the victim says he accidentally knocked over a bottle of oil and broke it. He stated a verbal argument ensued between himself and Cata because she demanded he pay $50 for the oil.
During the argument, Cata became erratic and armed herself with various kitchen knives. The victim told officers Cata threatened to slash his tires if he did not pay for the oil he had broken.
Cata’s mother witnessed the threats, and each time Cata armed herself with a knife, she would take it away from her daughter in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. The victim told police that Cata was standing in front of the door, blocking his exit, which made him feel as if he was prevented from leaving the residence.
He eventually paid Cata $50 via CashApp because he was in fear of his life. Upon payment, the victim stated Cata ran out of the home towards his vehicle. The report stated the victim could not immediately see Cata damaging his car but could hear the scratching of metal. Once around the corner, he viewed Cata repeatedly stabbing his car.
During her interview with the police, Cata denied having a knife. After initially indicating the victim did not strike her, she changed her story and said she was indeed physically assaulted. Officers observed no physical evidence of these claims.
After an investigation that included speaking to Cata’s mother, checking security footage of nearby buildings, and taking pictures of the damage to the victims’ vehicle, Cata was arrested and transported to the Broward County Mail Jail.
She was later released after posting a $500 bond.
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