Jennifer Hurt-Brown and family. {GoFundMe}
When Coral Springs resident Jennifer Hurt-Brown was told during a phone conversation how loved she is by the community, her voice began to crack with emotion.
With good reason: The 48-year-old mother of three is battling for her life against recurring metastatic breast cancer, which has already invaded other organs.
Brown was first diagnosed with this cursed illness nine years ago, but that never stopped her from giving her all to the community, most notably the youth. She’s been president of the Youth Softball Association of Coral Springs, YSACS for years.
Despite the fact she requires chemotherapy once a week for two weeks and then gets a week for her body to rest, she remains motivated to keep up the fight. “For my kids, for my family,” she said. I truly enjoy doing the softball stuff for all the girls in the city.”
She uses her week off chemo to try to bounce back a little. “I’m not as fast as I used to be,” she said. “I’m lethargic. The side effects are kicking my butt.”
When the cancer was first discovered in 2016, she had chemo and radiation therapy. The following year, she underwent a double mastectomy and reconstruction. She then went into remission. However, in 2020, Brown required more aggressive radiation therapy when malignant cells were found to have spread into her parotid gland. Afterward, the cancer metastasized into her bones, which led to more chemotherapy. The scans showed promising results, but last year, the cancer was back in her bones and has now spread into her liver.
“It is terrifying,” said DeAnn Robertson, Brown’s close friend for the past seven years. “It just keeps on popping up somewhere else.”
Robertson met her friend through Riverside Elementary School, where their daughters became friends. The two moms each have two daughters the same age. “And they’re always together through everything,” she said.
To assist her close friend and her family, Robertson has established a GoFundMe. “She is the most selfless person I know,” Robertson said. “Now it’s time for us to help her.”
Although Robertson realizes nothing anyone does can stop this “monster” called cancer, they can at least help alleviate some of the financial burden on the family.
Although in its nascent stage, Robertson’s fund-raising effort has met with rousing success. In less than a week, more than $20,000 has been raised.
“People have come out big for her,” said Robertson. “She’s so well known. She’s such a big part of Riverside. When I was PTO president, she was there for everything I needed.”
Another dear friend of Brown’s is Nicole Bardugone, who met her through YSAC. “She is going through harsh chemo but is still giving back to the community,” said Bardugone, adding how her friend – despite the debilitating treatment – will still go to the park. “She gives selflessly to the community,” Bardugone continued, “she rallies so much for her kids and the community.”
Brown used the following quote she said is about softball but also relates to her fight against cancer: “The game is physical, mental and emotional, and they all affect each other directly.”
What’s even scarier for Brown is that her own mom passed away from the same illness when Brown was only 29. Brown herself was just 39 when her initial diagnosis was made. “My kids were young and had to go through this with me,” she said.
Her three children are Addison, 15; Ella, 13; and Cooper, 10. Addison and Ella attend Coral Springs Charter School. Cooper is a 10th-grader at Riverside Elementary School.
Brown, a Kansas native, said the situation has been rough on her husband, Greg, as well. “It’s stressful for him being the only one providing for the five of us,” she said, “with me not being able to work for five years.”
For those interested in making the fundraising effort, click here.
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